Confused about mental training? Want to unleash pro mode on your swimming this year? Learn how this new mental training workbook will change your mindset and help you pummel your PB’s this season.
Mental training.
For a lot of swimmers, it sounds great. Like a real hoot, even.
You sit down, use your focusing powers to conjure some voodoo brain magic, and whammy—you are a faster swimmer.
Or something.
But when reality flip turns on you, and your attempts at improving your mindset doesn’t immediately payoff or show signs of improvement, you go back to doing things the way you know how, even though that way of doing things isn’t giving you the results you want.
What ends up happening?
We go right back to white-knuckling our mindset and all that includes: uneven performances, cracking under pressure, swimming below expectations, and wobbly confidence.
Fortunately, there is now a tool for swimmers that can help you finally get some clarity with mental training.
In fact…it can help you conquer your mental training so that you can have the thing you’ve always wanted: a focused, clear, and confident mindset both in practice and when you step up on the block.
(Unless, you are down with the white-knuckle ride of low confidence and high anxiety…to which I say…have fun with that, I guess?)
It’s with a metric ton of excitement we are announcing the launch of Conquer the Pool: The Swimmer’s Ultimate Guide to a High Performance Mindset.
Here are just some of the ways that this ground-breaking mental training workbook will help you unleash some faster swimming this season:
1. Faster, more enjoyable practices.
Sure, I know that sounds like a misnomer—how can practice be more enjoyable? Haha, really funny, right?
Swim practice can not only be more enjoyable, but it can pass by with much less suffering and angst.
You will learn focusing and self-talk techniques that will help you to practice smarter, better, and yes, even with more enjoyment of the process.
Championship swim performances are made in practice. Lap by lap. Meter by meter. Stroke by stroke.
The “practice” section of the book is the biggest, and with good reason—it’s where we spend the majority of our swim career.
2. Hype performances at race time.
Uneven racing is simply the worst.
You work your butt of in practice, drop half a pay-cheque on a racing suit, mount the block, and then duff your big race.
Maybe it’s because you choked. Or because you weren’t prepared. Or that your expectations got the best of you. Maybe it was the fear of failure. Or even the fear of negative evaluation (yup, that’s a thing, too).
Whatever the case, choking and stinking the pool up on the day of the big meet can be a thing of the past when you use this book to finally figure out exactly what you need to race like your hair is on fire.
You’ll learn everything you need to make sure that you land square in the middle of your ideal performance zone.
3. You’ll discover about 82 different ways to be mentally tougher.
“Mental toughness” is the biggie when it comes to high-performance swimming.
We envy the swimmers that come by it naturally, usually passing it off as something that you either have or you don’t. But mental toughness is a skill, and it’s something you can hack, tweak and develop with practice and consistency.
And what does being mentally tougher mean for you and your swimmer?
- It means you are more resilient in the face of nerves and anxiety at race time.
- You are more confident in your preparation.
- You fear the competition less
- And because you are able to push yourself harder and further than ever before, you are able to drop a dive tank-sized anvil on your personal best times. Splat.
Sounds pretty good to me.
This book will teach you how to be mentally tougher by showing you how to suffer like a champion (sounds worse than it is), how to bargain through those tough workouts, how to use visualization to give yourself a boost in the middle of a workout, even give you a list of proven self-talk weapons that will help you dominate the backwards and negative thoughts that crater your swimming.
Some other cool stuff in this book:
- Stories and anecdotes from some of the biggest names in our sport past and present. Learn from what they did right, and in some cases, learn from what they did wrong.
- Worksheets so that you actually put this stuff into motion. Reading about mental training is sort of okay, but what’s going to truly take your swimming to the next level is putting into action. Worksheets are included with each section so that you can take your newfound mindset for a spin.
- Bonus worksheets that you can download from our online resource section. You’ll get access to PDF versions of the worksheets so that you can rewrite and update them anytime you want.
- Oh, I almost forgot…the book was written with the input of 200+ USA Swimming and NCAA division 1 coaches—including half the US Olympic team coaching staff.
Alrighty then…
Starting to think about the possibilities?
Starting to feel like a big change is around the corner with your swimming?
Getting some goose-bumpies?
Well, giddyup then!
For more details, click here to learn more about how Conquer the Pool: The Swimmer’s Ultimate Guide to a High Performance Mindset will help you become the swimmer you’ve always known yourself to be.
“Hey, Olivier…Shut up and take my money!”
Whoa, okay, you want to get things going right away. Fair enough—I like the enthusiasm.
Click on the add to cart button below and let’s get this party rolling.
P.S. Your purchase is 100% guaranteed. If, after 30 days of playing around with Conquer the Pool you aren’t feeling mentally tougher, more confident, and you aren’t swimming faster, return for a no-question refund. And yes, we can still be friends.