What Does Your Recovery Routine Look Like?
Get more from your swim practices and bounce back faster by putting post-workout recovery on auto-pilot. Here’s how to build a killer recovery routine one for yourself.
Get more from your swim practices and bounce back faster by putting post-workout recovery on auto-pilot. Here’s how to build a killer recovery routine one for yourself.
Swimming better and faster starts with the ultimate fundamental–proper technique. Here’s what swimmers need to know about getting their technical game tight.
Having a better attitude helps you face adversity, be more coachable, and of course, swim faster. Here’s a few things swimmers can do to improve their attitude.
How focused are your warm-ups in practice? Here’s how to get more from the part of your workout that gets the least amount of love.
Want to get ahead of tomorrow’s workout? Here are 7 simple things that you can today to make sure that tomorrow’s practice goes down like a cool glass of success.
Using a training journal gives you much more than just a record of your workouts. It can help you clean up your nutrition habits, get mentally stronger, and even help you recover faster. Here’s how to go next-level with your log book.
Starting out your own training journal? Here are 6 pro tips for making the most of this powerful tool.
Want to improve your dolphin kick? Here’s the one thing you should be doing in practice every day.
Being a coachable swimmer goes beyond listening to your coach–it means that you are on the fast track to improving in the pool. Here’s what you need to know about being a coachable swimmer.
Overkick drill is one of the simplest freestyle drills (or backstroke, for that matter) out there. Here’s why you should add this drill to your workouts.