6 Surprising Things That Affect a Swimmer’s Mindset
Here are 6 sneaky things that will affect how mentally tough you are in the practice today.
Here are 6 sneaky things that will affect how mentally tough you are in the practice today.
It’s usually the last thing you wanna do after a hard practice: warming down. But here’s why it will help you swim faster over the long run.
We all do it: hedging our effort in practice and competition. Here’s how to conquer the pesky Sammy Save-Up mentality that keeps us from giving our all in the pool.
Having self-belief isn’t sitting around wishing and hoping that you were stronger mentally. You can develop your self-belief just like a muscle. Here’s how.
A better mindset will help you unleash havoc on those pesky PB’s of yours. Here are some signs that your mindset is due for an upgrade.
Our habits predict how well we train today and how we race tomorrow. Here’s how to cultivate better habits in and out of the water.
Help kickstart recovery and bounce back from stressful workouts with some chill tunes.
Here are some simple things you can do to be mentally prepared to rock and roll on race day.
We’ve all trained or competed with the swimmer with limitless talent. Here’s the upside on being less talented than the swimmer in the next lane.
We all experience it at one point or another in training and competition: the moment where we “die.” Here’s how to be mentally prepared to conquer that moment.