Zona Kick Drill: How to Improve Body Posture and Kick Speed in the Water
Ready to ditch the kickboard? Here’s how swimmers can improve body positioning, power up your core, and develop a more balanced freestyle with the Zona kick drill. Lessgo.
Ready to ditch the kickboard? Here’s how swimmers can improve body positioning, power up your core, and develop a more balanced freestyle with the Zona kick drill. Lessgo.
Keep it short, keep it fast–that is the concept behind USRPT sets. Here is a USRPT-themed kick set to help your swimmers improve both their underwater fly kick and their overall kick speed.
Good coaches know that you can’t train all swimmers in the same manner. You need to individualize training according to specialty and strength. Jimmy Parmenter, head coach of the Plantation Swim Team, shares a flexible kick set you can use with every swimmer in the group.
One of the most legendary coaches on the planet stops by with a set for how to improve your kick. Here is ISHOF inductee Randy Reese with some advice on powering up your kicking speed.
When it comes to kicking faster, longer isn’t always better. Tony Ackerson of Seminole Aquatics shares a great kick set to stoke the competitive fires of your swimmers and also get them kicking faster.
The underwater dolphin kick has become an indispensable part of every swimmer’s arsenal. Todd Hoffmeier of Greater Tampa Swim Association shares a set designed to help swimmers use the fish kick in order to build up a better fly kick.
There is no worse feeling than our legs failing us at the end of a race. Today’s set will help your body train and power through that moment where your legs want to collapse.
Kick sets don’t need to be long, boring reps of being mounted to a kickboard. Don Gibb of NTC Aquatics shares a tough set that will push and power your legs to a faster kick.
Want to improve the overall conditioning in your legs? Develop stronger posture in the water? How about becoming a more mindful kicker?
Here is a fun and effective way to mix up your kick work in the pool. B-T Aquatics head coach Jeanie Neal stops by to share the “Walk Along” kick drill.