Missy Franklin: The Training of an Olympic Champion and World Record Holder
Here is a behind the scenes look at Missy Franklin’s training on the way to her crushing the 200m backstroke world record in 2012.
Here is a behind the scenes look at Missy Franklin’s training on the way to her crushing the 200m backstroke world record in 2012.
Your coach has told you a thousand times not to breathe into the walls. Here is why you should really listen to that advice.
Swimming faster isn’t always about doing more. It’s also about doing less of the stuff that doesn’t work. Here are 5 ways swimmers are wasting their time and energy at practice.
In a world of ever-more specialized swimming equipment the kickboard has lost its luster. Here is why I will never give up my kickboard.
Power up your freestyle with 10 freestyle drills from some of the best coaches and swimmers on the planet.
Thinking about jumping into the masters lane? Here are 6 reasons that you should consider joining your local masters swimming team.
Want a faster breaststroke kick? Don’t know where to start? Here is how to improve your breaststroke kick with the help of two-time Olympic breaststroker Mike Alexandrov.
Ready to level up your swim bag? Here are 7 pieces of swimming gear every serious swimmer should have.
Having solid underwaters means being able to kick hard and fast. Here is a tempo-based vertical kicking set that will help you tighten up your underwater skills.
It’s the day of the big race and you are ready to throw down on your PB’s. Here is a proven way to supercharge your warm-up so that your hard work shows up at race time.