What Does Your Recovery Routine Look Like?
Get more from your swim practices and bounce back faster by putting post-workout recovery on auto-pilot. Here’s how to build a killer recovery routine one for yourself.
Get more from your swim practices and bounce back faster by putting post-workout recovery on auto-pilot. Here’s how to build a killer recovery routine one for yourself.
Some swimmers always bring out the best in you, whether it’s in practice or in competition. Here’s why you should be that tough opponent that other swimmers fear and appreciate.
Want to improve your kick, your finishing speed, and your overall hotness as a swimmer? Then it’s time you get some more kick/swim sets in your life.
Swimmers all experience varying amounts of anxiety before big races. Here’s a simple tool to help calm and center yourself when it matters most.
Does being awesome at pull ups make you a better swimmer? Yes and no.
Swimming better and faster starts with the ultimate fundamental–proper technique. Here’s what swimmers need to know about getting their technical game tight.
At some point—today, tomorrow, next week—we’ll have a bad practice. Here’s a sneaky way to bounce back quicker.
Having a better attitude helps you face adversity, be more coachable, and of course, swim faster. Here’s a few things swimmers can do to improve their attitude.
How focused are your warm-ups in practice? Here’s how to get more from the part of your workout that gets the least amount of love.
Want to get ahead of tomorrow’s workout? Here are 7 simple things that you can today to make sure that tomorrow’s practice goes down like a cool glass of success.