The Monofin: Your Weapon for a Killer Dolphin Kick
Want to improve and dominate your underwaters? Here’s how a monofin can help you power up your swimming.
Want to improve and dominate your underwaters? Here’s how a monofin can help you power up your swimming.
So you made the plunge, and threw down some sweet cashola on a fitness tracker than you can use in the pool. Cool beans. But where to start? What to track? What to measure?
Looking for a jammer that offers the highest levels of compression and comfort? Arena’s Carbon Air jammer delivers on both in a big way.
The most popular swim brand in the world’s most elite swim suit. Here’s a breakdown and review of the Speedo LZR Racer X KneeSkin.
Looking to pick yourself up a new jammer? Here is a full breakdown and set of reviews on the most popular swim jammers on the market.
Like many, I spent a lot of my age group days comparing myself to other swimmers. While we’ve always been told to keep our eyes in our own lane, there are times when it can be productive to compare ourselves to the competition.
Paddles (and fins) are a swimmer’s best friend. That being said, they aren’t all created equal. Here’s a review of the best swim paddle on the market, the FINIS Agility paddle.
Want to bullet-proof your racing? Top up your confidence? And train better? Start by making practice harder than what you’ll experience in competition.
As someone who trains almost exclusively during open lap periods I have experienced more than my fair share of lane ragey moments. Last night, for
Want better workouts? A bullet-proof race plan? Less anxiety behind the blocks? Yup—the simple act of journaling can help. Big time. Here’s how.